Bill Reynolds history, film buff and owner of Beaufort Tours talking with customers…
Presented in partnership with the Pat Conroy Literary Center, Beaufort Tours will offer van tours of Pat Conroy’s Beaufort during the fourth annual Pat Conroy Literary Festival–and year-round.
Bill Reynolds the owner of Beaufort Tours is most knowledgeable about Beaufort history and Pat Conroy related sites.
See Pat Conroy’s Beaufort in this 90-minute tour of sites from Pat’s writing life—including the high school where he was a student during his junior and senior years and where he later taught for two years before going to Daufuskie Island, homes in the historic Point where Pat lived and wrote, sites related to his teachers and friends, his parents’ grave site, Pat’s grave on St. Helena, and locations connected to the filming of The Prince of Tides and The Great Santini. Following the bus tour, guests are also encouraged to visit the Pat Conroy Literary Center at 905 Port Republic Street where you can see artifacts from Pat’s life, including his writing desk and chair, the Great Santini’s flight jacket, and the handwritten prologue to The Prince of Tides. Tour guests get a 10% discount on purchases of gifts and books at the Conroy Center.
Tours will be offered during the Pat Conroy Literary Festival starting at 2:00 p.m. everyday from October 29th through November 3rd.
Advance registration required at http://www.beauforttoursllc.com or 843-838-2746. (Ticketed tours, $40) Other tour times are available beyond the festival weekend.
This tour is also offered year-round, when reserved in advance through Beaufort Tours.
Ticket information:
Advance registration required – Buy Tickets Here