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Workshop: Who Do You Listen To? Building a Successful Writing Partnership

USC Beaufort Center for the Arts 805 Carteret Street, Beaufort

As a writer, how do you sift through all of the noise to find feedback that resonates? As a reader, how do you provide feedback that matters? Authors and writing partners for fifteen years, Bren McClain (author of One Good Mama Bone) and J.C. Sasser (author of Gradle Bird) will discuss the give and take of a successful critiquing partnership, what makes it work, and what makes it sustainable and helpful over time. They'll share their own story and offer you ways to attract and [...]


Workshop: Tapping Your Creative Genius: A Workshop for Fostering Inspiration

USC Beaufort Center for the Arts 805 Carteret Street, Beaufort

We are each born with unique gifts. As a result, we have individual opportunities and responsibilities to share our gifts with others in meaningful ways. Learning to recognize and nurture one’s idiosyncratic talents can lead to a lifetime of inspiration and focused creativity in writing or other arts. Join River Journey Life Guide Susan Madison in this engaging workshop that will explore the inherent connectivity between creativity and purpose to help you tap your inner creative genius and give you the tools you’ve been searching [...]


Workshop: Tell Me a Story… in Verse: The Continuing Appeal of Narrative Poetry

USC Beaufort Center for the Arts 805 Carteret Street, Beaufort

“Well, if I’m Athena, you’re my Apollo—the god of poetry, truth, and music. Your natural language is poetry. You write sentences that are like an incantation. You observe every nuance of human behavior and dig deep down to the truth, presenting it in all its glorious and stubborn complexity.”—Barbra Streisand, letter to Pat Conroy (2015) According to Pat Conroy, “the most powerful words in English are ‘Tell me a story.’” But to tell a story most powerfully, most memorably, he well understood that we need [...]

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