Common Ground Coffee House – Beaufort, SC
The Pat Conroy Literary Center, South Carolina Writers Association, and Common Ground coffeehouse will present an open mic reading on First Friday, 11/1, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. About 15 writers local and visiting writers will be reading.
Interested in being one of them and reading five minutes from your writing? Contact Vivian Bikulege, co-chair of the SCWA Beaufort chapter at demvib@embarqmail.com.
This event is being held during the 4th annual Pat Conroy Literary Festival (www.patconroyliteraryfestival.org) and the South Carolina Writers Association’s Writers Retreat (www.myscwa.org).
Photos as well as short bios of all festival presenters are on the Presenter Page.
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